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...the first time

“No one enters violence for the first time by committing it.”

— Mariame Kaba

We have been thinking a lot about violence at The T. How does it happen? How does it spread? How can we make it hurt less? How can we prevent it? I’m moved by this quote as it affirms the very real understanding that the violence we are experiencing now was planted in a seed centuries ago. Baltimore experienced 347 violent deaths in 2019, one of the highest counts ever. At 600,000 people and 90 square miles it looks a lot like St. Louis coming in st 300,000 and 60 square miles. These twin cities have similarly sized surrounding separate counties coming in around 800-900,000 and 500-600 Sq miles.

The simple fact that these two cities have both see. a surge of violence that looks like it is straight out of 1989 since the murder of Michael Brown is no small

thing. It is emblematic of the way in which violence takes roots in foundations and mortar. It does not light its own fire. No it is fueled by the forces of racism, hatred and ego. While these forces are legion strong we at The T believe that by simply taking the stance that the experience of violence matters we are bringing a new consciousness and change. We will not stop. We will not be afraid.

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